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Angels Merchandise
Available here.

Shorts, Features & Corporate videos here.

HanSagan - 

Greetings and welcome to the launch of 'Angels' the latest webcomic to join the plethora of others
online. Its basically about me and my crazy friends and the wacky stuff we get up to in college, hyuck,
hyuck, hyuck....Ok, I'll stop that before you think I'm serious. Actually, its about a squadron of teenage 
lesbian fighter pilots in space, but its all done in the best 'possible' taste.I won't pretend that anything 
here will turn your world on fire, but I do hope that we can provide you with some little enjoyment and 
distraction in an otherwise busy day.

'Angels' is truly the product of the internet age, a global collaboration between myself in New
Zealand and Coota in Tuson, Arizona. One day he advertised on the Megatokyo forums for an artist
to help him with a number of projects, 'Angels' being one of them. I replied, we liked each others work,
badda bing, badda boom, a new webcomic is born.

One tends to become a little blase' about the ease with which we conduct this trans-continental project,
and it is interesting to contemplate what we will find commonplace or even boring in ten years from now. 
HDTV? Truly broadcast quality Video on demand? Consumer market HD digital video cameras? If my 
predictions seem a little slanted towards video, then that reflects my other major pastime, directing short 
films and developing longer ones. What this means is that periodically I may be boring you with updates 
about my various other (offline and online) projects.

A couple of small points. First the good news. We've been working on this strip since November last year
so we have 30 plus strips backlogged. That means that it promises to be a very regular strip. The bad
news (For me at least) Is that I now find my earlier drawings fairly embarrassing. They will improve, I 

The other point is that this domain is only temporary. Pretty soon we will be moving into 
www.angels2200.com, but I'll put a redirector up so that the transition is painless for everyone involved.

Most Importantly, there will be updates every day this week, to help people get into the comic, before
settling into a regular pattern of twice weekly updates next week.

Still, thats probably enough from me for now. We've built up quite a backlog, so updates should be 
unfailingly regular for the next few months at least. Once again, enjoy the comic, and I'll hopefully see
you in the forums.

Welcome to Angels, HanSagan's and my new webcomic. I'm not sure how long it will last, but it will
tell a cohesive story about this squadron of female fighter pilots. Characters will come and go, situations
in the universe will change, and personalities will conflict. With any luck, there'll be plenty of humor to go
along with whatever drama we might throw at you. So far it's looking exceptionally good, and I have a
feeling that it will stay that way, as HanSagan is an excellent artist.

As I'm just the humble writer of this series, I should probably explain where some of my influences come
from. For one, I'm a United States Air Force Cadet; I've wanted to fly since I was two years old. I grew up
watching F/A-18s take off from El Toro Air Base down in California. One of my favorite movies of all time
was Star Wars, not because of the force or the Jedi, but because of those fighter pilots in the Trench Run
scene (and Han Solo, but that's another story). I've grown up with Marine fighter pilots; my god father is one
, my dad is one, all my dad's old friends are ex-Marine fighter pilots: it's just part of my many influences. So
you'll probably see a lot of things that are at least partially inspired by real life events. Especially if I ever
tell that cockroach story.

Angels also stands a chance of being a little controversial, but I hope people will recognize that we're going
for comedy here (with a bit of drama), and that we're not trying to address any pressing social issues. So,
really, what you see is what you get. I might occasionally have deeper messages in this comic, but more
often than not I'm just trying to entertain. 

So, if you're at all interested in a bunch of cute young girls flying large phallic starfighters in the depths of
space, this is the comic for you. Hopefully it'll also appeal to people who aren't obsessed with fighters and
fighter pilots. Anyways, glad you're here, and I hope you enjoy Angels in all its eccentricity.  


Website Designed and Constucted and maintained by HaynesFilm Ltd (c) 2002
Angel is Copyright Peter Haynes and Nathaniel Savio (c) 2002 
Any transgressions will see you reduced to space dust