Angels Merchandise
Available here.
Features & Corporate
videos here.
HanSagan -
18/4/02 - Todays comic is up real early...thats because I'll be away shooting a movie tommorow evening and
won'tbe anywhere near my computer. I thought you'd prefer it up early rather than late. This must be the only
webcomic on the net that apologises for being early:)
12/4/02 - Got a review from one of our readers, Holly was
so glowing, I couldn't resist posting it on page one :) "The
presentation of the comic is the best ever, from good character description
to amazingly detailed art. This comic has it all so far, the mix of
3D and well drawn 2D art is very clever, and makes the comic that much
more interesting. Very few web-comics reach such an epic scale, but
I have never seen one pull it off as well as Angels. Heck, in many ways
professional comics are lagging compared to many of the elements found
in your comic. The time it must take to produce something so grand boggles
my mind, it really is awesome. The way the text bubbles are laid out
is good, and with so much text you would think at some point you would
get lost, but you don't. The serious tone, mixed with stern, yet playful
humor is great; it is an excellent balance to have in a story. Good
work, and good luck as you continue to tackle such a daunting project."
What more can I say? Many thanks Holly, and we're glad to have you on
7/4/02 -Note - Mondays Comic is up a little early...well, six hours
early actually....I'm having some PC technical problems and I wanted
to load it before things got worse, just to be on the safe side...
- Well, its been a week since the comic launched, and so far so good.
I'd personally like to thank H.S Kim of KungFool
and Carson Fire of ElfLife
for linking to us, and thank Josh Phillips of Avalon
High for his message of support. This is the kind of thing that
makes the net go around. We've been averaging about 100 hits a day,
which is reasonable for a brand new webcomic. It's a strange thing
having an online comic go live, I've realised. Its kind of an odd
cross between broadcasting a live TV show and hosting a party. Initially,
your main concern is to get the show (Or Strip) to air on time and
that would seem to be all there is to worry about. But then the guests
start arriving, and reading it, and you want to make them feel welcome,
keep the punch bowl full and make sure they know where the toilet
is. In short, you want to create what the web term creators call a
'sense of community'. So far, our forums
resemble the kind of party where people are standing around awkwardly,
no ones quite sure what to say and the only tunes on the stereo are
the Bay City Rollers. I guess this is normal of such a new comic,
but I'd like to encourage all visitors to drop by the forums
and post. We would like to see your art, your short stories, hear
your thoughts on the plot and the characters, etc. To me, the almost
instant feedback and discussion you can get on a web forum is one
of the most unique things about the internet, and I would certainly
like to foster this more. The final results of the last one poll indicated
that most people are happy with the design of the site, except for
one poor chap who individually posted over 20 'ugh! Needs more work!'
votes. (How do I know this? I was actually online and saw the polls
go up 10 votes in less than 30 seconds. I very much doubt it was 10
disgruntled webcritics voting simultaneously) Its actually quite cute,
we have our first lamer :) The comic now settles into its regular
update system of every Monday and Friday. I'll occasionally post development
art/character sketches etc on the main page and in the forums to keep
peoples interest, but in the meantime, thanks for reading, its great
having you here. Onwards and upwards!!
Welcome to Angels, HanSagan's and my new webcomic. I'm not sure how long it will last, but it will
tell a cohesive story about this squadron of female fighter pilots. Characters will come and go, situations
in the universe will change, and personalities will conflict. With any luck, there'll be plenty of humor to go
along with whatever drama we might throw at you. So far it's looking exceptionally good, and I have a
feeling that it will stay that way, as HanSagan is an excellent artist.
As I'm just the humble writer of this series, I should probably explain where some of my influences come
from. For one, I'm a United States Air Force Cadet; I've wanted to fly since I was two years old. I grew up
watching F/A-18s take off from El Toro Air Base down in California. One of my favorite movies of all time
was Star Wars, not because of the force or the Jedi, but because of those fighter pilots in the Trench Run
scene (and Han Solo, but that's another story). I've grown up with Marine fighter pilots; my god father is one
, my dad is one, all my dad's old friends are ex-Marine fighter pilots: it's just part of my many influences. So
you'll probably see a lot of things that are at least partially inspired by real life events. Especially if I ever
tell that cockroach story.
Angels also stands a chance of being a little controversial, but I hope people will recognize that we're going
for comedy here (with a bit of drama), and that we're not trying to address any pressing social issues. So,
really, what you see is what you get. I might occasionally have deeper messages in this comic, but more
often than not I'm just trying to entertain.
So, if you're at all interested in a bunch of cute young girls flying large phallic starfighters in the depths of
space, this is the comic for you. Hopefully it'll also appeal to people who aren't obsessed with fighters and
fighter pilots. Anyways, glad you're here, and I hope you enjoy Angels in all its eccentricity.